Saturday, September 16, 2017


I can't find the days in my past, hard as I try to look. I don't see them anymore. Although their scent lingers on. Fresh and green like lemon grass in the sun. My eyes water at the thought of those days suspended between certainty and disbelief, like missing pages from a book I know I've read before but no matter how many times I flip back and forth they are no where to be found.

Like dark matter, hanging in space, palpable. Making their presence known but hidden from everyone's eyes.

Their taste is still there, in the back of my throat, bitter sweat and sour with time.

Missing days.

They say you can live a whole life in a day or two. If that was true then I used to measure time by the beats of my heart.  The faster my heart beat, the faster the seconds flew by. The farther you are now, the longer my days grow, and the slower my heartbeats. Someday, when my heart stops all together , the only thing left frozen in time will be a thought of you. Distant and cold.